New Challenge: Spinning Bird Kick

27 04 2010

I have been issued the challenge of re-enacting Chun Li’s Spinning Bird Kick move on the pole. Apparently I can relate to her because I am also a strong woman who has strong thighs. A compliment I think….?

Here’s a couple of examples of Chun Li in action:

Watch this space for my version…. the challenge has been accepted!


27 04 2010

There’s been a lot going on in my head lately, and it’s really been affecting all areas of my life in a negative way. But I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and trying to be better at talking to people about what’s going on and I’ve come to the following conclusion – I am finally free.

In all aspects of my life I am doing what I want to do – surrounded by positive people, in a positive job with a boss who respects and listens to me, spending my free time either dancing or teaching others to dance.

I know this sounds like bragging but it’s a really unusual state of affairs, and it frightened me so much at first.

All I’d like to do is be better, be stronger, maybe not win (too much pressure! People expect a lot from me already) but have a really good time and empower other people to do the same.

Dancing is amazing, when I leave to go somewhere else the first thing I will is scope out the ballet and pole schools in the area and get involved. Wish I had my dance teacher’s certificate as that would really set me up somewhere else. Another thing on the research list!

New Goal Achieved: Extended Scorpion

25 04 2010

After wanting to do it for so long I have finally got it – the elusive extended scorpion. Now all I have to do is master it by myself so I don’t need someone hovering behind me in case I fall on my face. Can’t have spotters in competitions!

Up and Down

21 04 2010

After the massive highs of ballet earlier in the week, I really struck a low today. One of the key parts of being a successful athlete with a full time job unrelated to your sport is to stay positive mentally. It’s difficult to accept but there will be good days and bad days, and today was a bad day. I am not making the progress I want to be, but the only way to do that is to keep at it and work harder. If I don’t, I have no chance whatsoever.

Tomorrow is another day. Just got to sort my head out.

Ballet: My First True Love

20 04 2010

I’ve been dancing with Dupont for a little while doing the Adult Ballet classes as a way to break myself back into Ballet. But it got to the point where I was being used as a demonstration tool and not being pushed creatively, so I decided to take it up a notch and joined the Advanced 1 class.

It was amazing.

The teacher is fantastic, she will go through moves once and then go “Off you go” and then leaves us to work out the left foot by ourselves and even though I got a lot of it wrong I still had a fantastic time. I asked her if she thought that I was still at the right level to be in the class and she said I definitely was. To be told by quite a traditional strict teacher that I am still at a high level technically made me feel amazing, especially as I’ve just had a year off proper ballet. I spent the pole dancing class I attended afterwards bouncing around like a child – haven’t felt like that in ages it was fantastic! Can’t wait for next week…..

Imaginarium: The Second Performance

19 04 2010

The second Imaginarium had a completely different feel to it. While the first one was a Harem style, very smooth and classy event this one was all out madness in the name of the Mad Hatter! I had massive backcombed hair and bright pink everything, bit of a mess really but it seemed to go down well! Nicole and I were performing again and Donna, Ema and Mikaela joined us this time which was brilliant. It was lovely, as the organisers were so impressed with my performance at the last one that they gave me the chance to perform with a live singer which was absolutely brilliant. I bet that won’t happen again! It was a fantastic event, and we all had such a good time. I hope we’re invited back next year – hint hint.

Performance photos:

Myself and the girls showing our guns!

One of my favourite performance photos.

Another favourite performance photo.

Donna – our instructor and absolutely amazing performer.

Imaginarium: The First Performance

19 04 2010

This was a completely voluntary performance, to give me a little bit more experience of performing to an audience and crowd pleasing. There were only 3 of us performing as everyone else got too scared at the last minute, but the crowd absolutely loved it. Nicole was an absolute star, helping me to put the pole up and decorate the room and just being generally wonderful. The Dusk till Dawn lads were amazing as well, everyone really pitched in and calmed pre-show nerves and was generally wonderful.

Originally I wore a mask to hide who I was as I got really frightened about people seeing me, but to be honest if I’m going to (try and) win competitions I need all the promo I can get! Pole dance is a more accepted form of dance now, especially because I am not a stripper (I can’t emphasise this enough) and I think of myself more of a ballet dancer than a pole dancer. I understand this may have some effect on my future career prospects in the youth work field, but it makes me laugh that when you put a leotard on and dance around it’s suddenly alright, but if you’re dancing near a pole it isn’t.

Anyway! The show was brilliant and we performed until we were so exhausted we couldn’t keep our eyes open, then had a bit of a dance in the upstairs ballroom before going home. It was a brilliant night.

Some photos of us in action:

Nicole doing a hip hold. Wicked!

Me, putting the split power move into action.

… and generally being bendy.

Imaginarium: Setting Up

19 04 2010

Last month I did a couple of shows for Leicester Comedy Festival Opening and Closing Parties around the theme of the Imaginarium. I did it mainly to help out From Dusk to Dawn, and it went amazingly well. The pole was the highest he has ever been, and it was a bit scary putting him up but to be honest once he was up all I wanted to do was play and play and play. And avoid the chandelier.

Pole Power Move No. 1

19 04 2010

Not seen anyone do this yet, but I bet they have. Inverted Judy I think it should be called. Can do it on the spinning pole as well.

2010: It’s All Good (Smarmy Git Post)

19 04 2010

So, in the last year so many things have happened, only a couple of bad things but you have to have the bad to appreciate the good.

In summary:

  • I live in a new absolutely beautiful house (not really new any more, been here about 6 months now)
  • With a new, absolutely beautiful wife – I’ve never enjoyed living with someone so much in my entire life, it really makes a difference all round when someone accepts you for who you are, and vice versa
  • Pole dancing is coming on better than ever before, I am getting the hang of the spinning pole and the static pole power moves are brilliant – entered a competition this year, maybe 2 if I get into Pole Divas as well
  • My new job is so good, I can’t even begin to talk about it. I feel so much freer yet I have so much more responsibility – a contradiction but to be honest I love responsibility when it comes to work and the Base is doing so, so well. I am so glad I made the decision to apply for the job with 2Funky, as I never thought I would get it. But if you don’t try, you won’t even have a chance of succeeding.
  • After that list of positivity I don’t want to talk about the bad things… so I’m not going to.

2010 is going to be another positive year, I am really looking forward to the rest of it.