MyDeco Competition

29 05 2008

MyDeco are running a ‘One to Watch’ competition, and I’ve made an online portfolio. The only thing now is that people need to vote! Have a peek and if you like what you see, go ahead and vote for me. It’s that simple. Happy days.

Almost Done

27 05 2008

It’s mad, it’s been a long time since last posting and a lot has happened. The 24 hour project was finished and printed with time to spare (!) and even managed 3 hours sleep which was wicked. The research poster has been handed in too, all beautiful and pink. All that’s left now is getting my prototype manufactured courtesy of Sloane, and finding a job! Exciting stuff

On the flip side however, my funding application got returned for the second time. This has seriously messed up my schedule for the holiday project, as it’s supposed to begin in July and the application takes eight weeks to process. In other words, it may get returned AGAIN because the dates now overlap. It’s a frustrating process but a worthwhile experience in brueacracy. I may not even get the money, in which case all this was for nothing. But it’s cool, no worries.

Better news: I have conquered my Fear! I can kick up in poledancing and hold the crucifix without panicking! It’s amazing! The wife can take all the credit for that though, she taught me the value of pulling your hand away superfast. Nice one chickadee, knew you were good for something 😉 as well as balancing my body’s high maintenance nutritional needs and listening to my brain’s moaning =]

Finding a job, even a temp one, is damn hard work. Nowhere really wants to employ me, and because I don’t have my passport here (it’s down south) they don’t love me. It’s cool, something will turn up I’m sure. Am putting off getting a full time job because doing the volunteer thing is so much fun. It can’t go on forever, but while it is I might as well enjoy it.

House hunting is going well, saw two places the other day which were nice. One was unfurnished but quite high rent, and the other was furnished, low rent and good area. Very cool, but it needs a lot of stuff done to it before we can actually move in. For example, the previous tenants managed to break two windows without the landlord’s knowledge. Well done. Still looking, because I refuse to be screwed over in July when I am technically homeless, and end up somewhere rubbish through desperation.

Overall though, things are good just not moving as fast as I would like. But then, I must learn that everything does not happen when I want it to. Gahhh.

6 hours to go

7 05 2008

It’s lovely to be reminded how beautiful sunrise is.

24 hour project

6 05 2008

2 hours in, research is beginning and ideas are forming. Two boards, 22 hours to go.

The brief is to design a milk carton for one of six different profiles, and I’ve chosen the elderly because inclusive design is a highly interesting field.

Come on brain.

In other news

5 05 2008

Finally got the cash together to get my hair snipped, and although I’m still getting used to it the hairdresser liked it so much she asked me if I would be a hair model for the salon’s new promotional brochures. Wicked. Go in for a half price haircut, walk out with a modelling gig.

Week 33: Exhausted

5 05 2008

So it is very nearly almost over. For good. The dissertation was finished and printed on Wednesday, bound on Thursday and handed in on Friday. All that’s left now is the 24 hour project which is tomorrow until Wednesday and the research poster handed in next week.

This week has been really good, went to 9bar on Wednesday for drinkies which turned into Seani and I having a heart to heart for ages, Thursday the wife and I cooked a wicked meal of vegetarian haggis, celeriac and butternut squash and drew amazing pictures to go on the wall for the upcoming party. It was wicked. The party on Saturday went really well, although only Sam, Al, Dan and I set it up which was a bit stressful and annoying but it’s cool because there was a really good vibe going once the party got started.

Unfortunately I haven’t felt well since Friday, and even now I feel so drained and uncomfortable no matter how much water I drink or naps I have. The only thing I can hope for is that it goes away once I start getting into job hunting mode. I can’t wait to have a job now, if only to have some structured work hours. Although even if I did go freelance (depending on the circumstances) and had to motivate myself and manage my own time outside of the nine to five I really could do it, because I’ve done it enough this year. I can’t just sit around on my bottom all day I would actually go insane.

I’m off now, to watch desperate housewives, rewrite my CV and draft out my research poster. Having all this time is a bit of an alien concept. I don’t know what to do with myself. Quick! Someone give me some work!